Pierre Tilquin didn’t set out to be a brewer. After studying bio-engineering in animal breeding and earning a PhD in statistical genetics, he had grown tired of research. Following visits to Cantillon and Drie Fonteinen – two breweries who specialize in lambic style beers – and after reading a lot about brewing and lambic production, Pierre decided to take a course in brewing science at Leuven University.
Not long after, he began to work at Huyghe Brewery producing the Delirium Tremens beer. A year later, he had the opportunity to work at Drie Fonteinen where he gained more skills before heading to Cantillon, where he learned different ways to brew and blend lambics. “After these two experiences, I decided to try to create my own blendery,” says Pierre, and in 2009 Gueuzerie Tilquin was born. “It took me some time to build the business plan and find co-investors. I took a job in a bank as statistician at the marketing department to help pay the bills while I was building the stock of lambics for a few years. But since 2011, I’ve worked full time at my blendery.”
The first gueuze produced was on the market in June 2011, with a blend of 1 and 2 year-old lambics. In the following seasons, 3 year-old lambics were used in the blends. Shortly after the brewery began its operations, it began to grow in popularity, particularly among craft beer enthusiasts who love sour beers. Pierre’s great passion for blending beers, oak barrel aging and tedious fermentation has produced some of the finest flavors of beers, and we’re thrilled to have him join us for this year’s Brews for New Avenues.
We are honored to serve his beer at our Oyster & Gueuze event and at our VIP event! To learn more about Gueuzerie Tilquin, go to http://www.gueuzerietilquin.be/en/.