


Setting and achieving goals and connecting to services and resources

Youth engaged in New Avenues’ services and screened into the Homeless Youth Continuum are assigned to one of our clinical case managers. Case managers work with youth to identify and create access to needed supports—including drug and alcohol recovery and mental-health supports, education, job training, and housing—and to develop a comprehensive plan for setting and achieving goals. Our team includes three Drop-In Case Managers, a Transitional Housing Case Manager, a Community-Based Housing Case Manager, and a Parenting Support Specialist..


Drug and alcohol recovery and mental-health supports

Our Recovery Oriented Support and Engagement (ROSE) team includes an Alcohol and Drug Specialist, Dual Diagnosis Specialist, two Peer Mentors, and a Pathways Mental Health Counselor. The team engages youth in recovery-oriented activities, identifying individual needs, promoting healthy decision-making, and connecting them to drug-treatment programs and mental-health counseling as appropriate. The ROSE program also operates at Homeless Youth Continuum (HYC) partner agencies Janus Youth Programs, Outside In, and Native American Youth and Family Center to ensure that youth across the HYC get the support they need.