GED test prep, college prep, and re-engagement with learning


The New Avenues Alternative School provides education opportunities for foster, at-risk, and homeless youth. Open five days per week year-round, the school is fully accredited, specifically designed for students who have experienced barriers to education, and is co-located with other New Avenues programming to provide access for youth to additional support and resources. For general Education program information, contact us at or 503.517.3985.

Education Assessment

Every student is evaluated to determine the most appropriate individualized education plan, including math and reading assessment, transcript analysis, a comprehensive intake process, and discussion of education and career goals.

GED Preparation

Students can receive one-on-one and group instruction in preparation for all four subjects of the GED test.

High School Credit Recovery

Our fully accredited high school offers opportunities for students to earn credits to complete the requirements for a High School Diploma.

College Prep, Enrollment Assistance & Scholarship Opportunities

Students can receive tutoring and other support services to prepare for and enroll in college.  Read more HERE about the August F. Kalberer Scholarship and how to apply.

Community-Engagement Activities

Students build on academic skills through hands-on experiences outside the classroom, performing community service and engaging in physical and enrichment activities with partners including 24 Hour Fitness, Sunflower Garden and Farm, Rose City Rowing, PlayWrite, Portland Zoo, Portland International Rose Test Garden, and Meals on Wheels.

Operational Blueprint