Support for youth transitioning from foster care into adulthood

PDX-Connect addresses the needs of youth transitioning from foster care—from basic life-skill development and mental-health support to education, job training and placement, and more. Bringing services directly to youth where they live, our Life Coaches provide the consistent presence that program participants need to realize their individual goals, navigate government systems, and successfully move into adult life.

For more information about PDX-Connect, contact Megan Glines at mglines@newavenues.org.

Independent Living Program (ILP)

PDX-Connect’s ILP is the largest in Oregon and includes specialized mental-health, bilingual, and culturally specific LGBTQ  youth supports.

My Life ILP

My Life is a culturally responsive ILP intervention designed specifically to serve the highest-risk youth in foster care.

New Meadows 

The New Meadows Dorothy Lemelson House is a 15-unit independent, transitional housing program for recent alums of the foster-care system, and connects to our nonprofit partner Bridge Meadows’ multigenerational community.

Avenues to College

Avenues to College helps youth in foster care access and succeed in college.